One of the key factors that contributed to the improved government delivery system is the application of advanced technologies such as machine learning, big data analytics and cloud computing that can streamline the processes and maximise operational efficiency. MIMOS has been developing technology solutions for the Government to enhance its services in various strategic sectors including healthcare, public safety and finance.
Besides developing the digital solutions, MIMOS facilitates the Government in providing necessary support and interactive courses for its officials to be well-versed with the systems backed by MIMOS’ technologies.

Bolstering the government digital services
i) Teleprimary Care – Oral Health Clinical Information System (TPC-OHCIS)
From April 1 to 2, MIMOS held TPC-OHCIS Technical training courses to guide users on the technological aspects and how to operate the clinical information system effectively. The system supports the National Digital Health Reform initiative to improve population health and to have a resilient and sustainable health system.
ii) Malaysian Health Data Warehouse (MyHDW)
Helpdesk is an important component of any IT support service where customers can air their problems and get their questions answered. MIMOS had on April 22 and 23 conducted MyHDW Helpdesk Training course that provided users the knowledge and skills to handle helpdesk and relevant supporting roles for the MyHDW system.
iii) Malaysian Government Procurement Integrated Information System (MyGPIS)
From April to May, MIMOS organised six training sessions on MyGPIS, a web-based integrated information system for a procurement data warehouse. Using big data analytics and other cutting-edge technologies developed by MIMOS, the system provides efficient procurement record management; analyses integrated information from original source of data and generates reports at all levels of the organisation. MyGPIS was officially launched by former Treasury Deputy Secretary-General (Management) Dato’ Othman Semail on March 18.