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2024-issue-1Technology Insights

Spearheading Malaysia’s Digital Security and Transformation

On 31 January 2024, the Cyber Security Academia Malaysia (CSAM) hosted an essential webinar at Anjung Digital, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), focusing on the MyDigital ID initiative.

This event featured a panel of experts including Dr Azman Hussin, Special Officer to the Minister of Home Affairs, Mohamed Redzuan Abdullah, Senior Director of System Solutioning, MIMOS Berhad, and Ts. Mohamed Kheirulnaim Mohamed Danial, Senior Assistant Director, National Cyber Coordination and Control Centre (NC4), National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) discussed the policy framework, technical infrastructure, and cybersecurity measures surrounding MyDigital ID.

Their presentations covered everything from the initiative’s goals to enhance digital identity security and streamline public access to services, to the technological and cybersecurity strategies employed to protect users’ digital identities against threats.

The session underscored MyDigital ID’s role in Malaysia’s digital transformation, highlighting the government’s efforts to ensure a secure, scalable, and user-friendly system. It also provided insights into the initiative’s future directions, emphasising ongoing improvements and the adoption of new technologies.

This webinar marked a significant step towards realising a fully integrated and secure digital identity system in Malaysia, showcasing the collaborative effort to foster a safer digital environment.