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MIMOS powers MOSTI Social Innovation with i-community app

MIMOS continues to deliver value to the government, the rakyat and industry by providing technologies and bringing innovation that can generate knowledge, create wealth and ultimately improve the people’s wellbeing.  In January, Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Razak launched the country’s first intelligent community system as part of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)’s social innovation agenda.


Dubbed the Intelligent Community Infrastructure System, or in short iComm, the application comprises a network of high-definition closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras placed at strategic locations across the village, river monitoring sensors for flood alertness and an Internet-based mobile communication system.


For MOSTI and MIMOS, what’s most gratifying is perhaps the successful delivery of ideas and solutions that were sure to create both social and economic value.  The villagers of Kampung Padang Rumbia now enjoy technology-assisted public policing, real-time flood monitoring and, above all, an effective and affordable communication tool.  Read the news here and here.


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