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2023-issue-4Technology Insights

Brewing Innovation

Tea Talk 3.0: NTIS Edition

On 2 November 2023, MIMOS took an active part in the NTIS edition of Tea Talk, a gathering organised by MRANTI at their Main Auditorium in HIVE 5.

This event aimed to bring together industry leaders, innovators, and stakeholders to discuss critical aspects of advancing technology under the overarching theme of “Charting Futures Together.” The focus was on three pivotal pillars: commercialisation strategies, regulatory frameworks, and opportunities for funding within the technological landscape.

MIMOS, a key participant, showcased cutting-edge technologies during the event. Notably, they presented REVA, INSPECTRA, and UWB, highlighting their innovative potential and applicability in various domains. Through their involvement, MIMOS contributed significant technological advancements, fostering discussions and insights into how these advancements could shape the future of industries and society at large within the context of commercialisation, regulatory compliance, and funding opportunities.