MIMOS’ R&D activities revolve around economic impact-driven and strategic-driven areas, which cover E&E including Renewable Energy & Future Grid; Electric & Autonomous Vehicle (EAV), E&E manufacturing; and Automation and Sensory in primary sectors, while the ICT-based technologies are focused on targeted national agenda.
Malaysia’s E&E sector value added contribution to the local industry expected to hit by more than 40 per cent in 2030. Hence, MIMOS has critical role to play by enhancing its facilities and labs by developing Deeptech and Futureskills talents to create and develop tehnopreneurs.
With the ever fast changing evolution of the global ICT sector in the global arena, MIMOS will continuously keep abreast of latest developments to enable the nation remains competitive. Our applied R&D initiatives are applicable across a broad sphere covering the needs of Governmental institutions, industries, and citizens.
The Results
“By far the best team I’ve ever worked with. They truly understood the look I was going for and completely nailed it!”
What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?
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Aliquam ligula lectus, efficitur non pretium quis, elementum quis sapien. Nunc dapibus mi vitae mi placerat eleifend. Cras ullamcorper molestie massa, at suscipit quam rhoncus vel. Suspendisse accumsan id diam et laoreet. Etiam eu feugiat nulla, sit amet volutpat purus. Vivamus vel erat pharetra, imperdiet ex eget, ornare tellus.