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Conference Paper

An Analysis of a Large Scale Wireless Image Distribution System Deployment


Gin Xian Kok ; Khong Neng Choong ; Chrishanton Vethanayagam ; Yasunori Owada ; and Goshi Sato



In this paper, we describe twosetupsof a wireless image distribution system using different network architectures.In the first setup, commercialgrade network equipmentwasused inthe network infrastructure ofthe system. In the other setup, the network infrastructure consists of a wireless mesh of NICT NerveNet nodes.For the first setup, results showed that the choice ofhardware and network equipmentused were sufficient to support the load of the system in an auditorium with a capacity ofabout 160 people.For the NerveNet setup,it superseded the first setup in terms of quick and clean setup, leaving the performance aspect to be further improved.



IEEE 9th Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia